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Creates a racing bar chart to show map summary statistics over time and saves as a .gif file at a specified location.


  title = "Racing Bar Chart",
  subtitle = "Value Label",
  caption = "Data Source"



Data frame created by homefield_stats() or including the following columns:

entity - identifies each entity (ex. school name - Iowa State, Minnesota, Bowling Green).

color - hexadecimal color to fill entity bars (ex. #cfab7a).

image - image url or local file path to be placed on entity bars.

time - date-times representing when each set of summary statistics was relevant.

stat_name - Summary statistic column with name specified by the stat_name argument. Examples from homefield_stats() include land, water, domain, and population.


(String required): Name of the summary statistic column which determines bar size and ordering.


(String required): Local file path ending in .gif.


(String required): Title of the map.


(String required): Subtitle of the map. Usually indicates label of the summary statistic.


(String required): Caption of the map. Usually includes provides credit to data origins.


if (FALSE) {
# Creating racing bar chart for cfb conquest maps in 2021

# undefeated for each week, 0 through 15
x_input <- list(cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 0),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 1),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 2),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 3),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 4),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 5),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 6),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 7),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 8),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 9),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 10),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 11),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 12),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 13),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 14),
               cfb_conquest(season = 2021, week = 15))

# time in weeks, 0 through 15
temporal_input <- lubridate::ymd(c("2021-08-28",

temporal_stats <- homefield_stats(x = x_input,
                               temporal = temporal_input,
                               keep_max = FALSE,
                               keep_visuals = TRUE)

# converting land from square meters to square miles
temporal_stats_plot <- temporal_stats |>
 dplyr::mutate(land = land/2.59e6)

hf_racing(x = temporal_stats_plot,
               stat_name = "land",
               title = "2021 Season Week by Week - CFB Conquest homefield Map",
               subtitle = "Area in Square Miles",
               caption = "Data Source:",
               output_file = "C:/Users/darthvader/Downloads/cfb_conquest_2021_racing.gif")