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The homefield package helps gather data and create visuals to show spatial relevance of entities.


  1. Install R and R Studio.

  2. Install the latest compatible version of RTools.

  3. Install the devtools package.

  1. Install the homefield package via Github.

homefield relies on an online database for up-to-date college football information. This database requires API keys which can be requested and installed via the following instructions:

  1. Follow the directions here to receive and install a College Football Data API Key. Required for homefield::cfb_undefeated() and homefield::cfb_conquest().

  2. Once the package and keys have been installed, homefield can be initialized in an environment via library():

# your code here


homefield maps are created based on the attributes of entities including identifier, latitude, longitude, color, and image.

For instance, a map may be composed of sport teams. The Iowa State Cyclones entity would have an entity identifier (Iowa State), a latitude (42.0266573), a longitude (-93.6464516), a color (#C8102E), and an image (

A dataframe with multiple entities and their attributes may look similar to the following:

entity <- c("Iowa State Cyclones", "Florida Gators", "UCLA Bruins")

# must be valid locations
lat <- c(42.01400, 29.64994, 34.16133)
lng <- c(-93.63577, -82.34858, -118.16765)

# must be a color in hexcode format
color <- c("#660015","#0021A5", "#ffc72c")

# can be a link or local file
image <- c("",

homefield_data <- data.frame(entity,

##                entity      lat        lng   color
## 1 Iowa State Cyclones 42.01400  -93.63577 #660015
## 2      Florida Gators 29.64994  -82.34858 #0021A5
## 3         UCLA Bruins 34.16133 -118.16765 #ffc72c
##                                              image
## 1
## 2
## 3

Next, the homefield map can be plotted with the dataframe and saved as a .png file to a specified location.

homefield_map(x = homefield_data, # dataframe
             output_file = "C:/Users/darthvader/Downloads/example_map.png", # save location
             threshold = 10000, # area in square km
             title = "Example Map", # map title
             credit = "Landon Getting") # credit for author

Getting data for homefield maps

The homefield package currently provides 2 functions to query interesting college football data directly into the structured format: cfb_undefeated() and cfb_conquest(). Remember to complete the steps in Installation to receive and install an College Football Database API key.


cfb_undefeated() returns a dataframe with the undefeated teams for a particular season and week.

cfb_undefeated_s1999_w4 <- cfb_undefeated(season = 1999, week = 4)

##           entity      lat        lng   color
## 1      Air Force 38.99697 -104.84362 #004a7b
## 2       Arkansas 36.06807  -94.17895 #9c1831
## 3         Auburn 32.60255  -85.48975 #03244d
## 4            BYU 40.25753 -111.65452 #001E4C
## 5 Boston College 42.33510  -71.16644 #88001a
## 6  East Carolina 35.59685  -77.36456 #4b1869
##                                                     image
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## 5
## 6

The dataframe output from cfb_undefeated() can be used directly in homefield_map().

homefield_map(x = cfb_undefeated(season = 1999, week = 4),
             output_file = "C:/Users/darthvader/Downloads/cfb_undefeated_s2022_w4.png",
             title = "College Football Undefeated - Season 1999 Week 4",
             credit = "Landon Getting")


In cfb_conquest(), teams start with the land closest to them. As the season progresses, teams acquire the land of the teams they defeat.

cfb_conquest_s1999_w4 <- cfb_conquest(season = 1999, week = 4)

##      entity      lat        lng   color
## 1 Air Force 38.99697 -104.84362 #004a7b
## 2     Akron 42.99913  -78.77751 #84754e
## 3  Arkansas 36.06807  -94.17895 #9c1831
## 4  Arkansas 32.83772  -96.78279 #9c1831
## 5    Auburn 36.21143  -81.68543 #03244d
## 6    Auburn 32.60255  -85.48975 #03244d
##                                                     image
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## 5
## 6

The dataframe output from cfb_conquest() can be used directly in homefield_map().

homefield_map(x = cfb_conquest(season = 1999, week = 4),
             output_file = "C:/Users/darthvader/Downloads/cfb_conquest_s2022_w4.png",
             title = "College Football Conquest - Season 1999 Week 4",
             credit = "Landon Getting")

Summarizing Maps

homefield_stats() generates summary statistics about a particular map including the total land, water, and population within each entity’s territory.

The same dataframe input used in homefield_map() can be used in homefield_stats().

cfb_undefeated_s1999_w4_stats <- homefield_stats(x = cfb_undefeated(season = 1999, week = 4))

##           entity         land       water       domain      pop
## 1      Air Force 610234978656  2533273302 612768251958  6638127
## 2       Arkansas 186833484833  4234865393 191068350226  5122951
## 3         Auburn 106215319059  4688840187 110904159246  4365585
## 4            BYU 292222970451  1844563724 294067534175  1448537
## 5 Boston College 223771886456 31278621299 255050507755 31475972
## 6  East Carolina 104201019210 15782222629 119983241839  7592900

Map Stats over Time

homefield_stats() can also create summary statistics for maps over time using the temporal argument. For example, homefield_stats() can be combined with cfb_undefeated() to show statistics over the course of a season.

# undefeated for each week, 0 through 15
cfb_undefeated_2022 <- list(cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 0),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 1),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 2),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 3),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 4),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 5),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 6),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 7),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 8),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 9),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 10),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 11),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 12),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 13),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 14),
                            cfb_undefeated(season = 2022, week = 15))

# date of each week
cfb_dates_2022 <- lubridate::ymd(c("2022-08-27",

cfb_undefeated_2022_stats <- homefield_stats(x = cfb_undefeated_2022,
                                  temporal = cfb_dates_2022,
                                  keep_max = FALSE,
                                  keep_visuals = TRUE)

Converting the output of square meters to square miles.

# converting land from square meters to square miles
cfb_undefeated_2022_stats <- cfb_undefeated_2022_stats |>
  dplyr::mutate(land = land/2.59e6) |>

##              entity      land       time   color
## 1         Air Force 73410.774 2022-08-27 #004a7b
## 2             Akron  5384.247 2022-08-27 #84754e
## 3           Alabama  9698.773 2022-08-27 #690014
## 4 Appalachian State 11482.544 2022-08-27 #000000
## 5           Arizona 23098.589 2022-08-27 #002449
## 6     Arizona State 66025.140 2022-08-27 #942139
##                                                     image
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## 5
## 6

Visualizing Stats

homefield_racing() generates a racing bar chart animation where entities compete for the top 10 spots based on summary statistics from homefield_stats().

For example, the output dataframe from homefield_stats() describing the 2022 college football season can be visualized with the homefield_racing() function.

homefield_racing(x = cfb_undefeated_2022_stats,
                stat_name = "land",
                title = "2022 Season Week by Week - Undefeated CFB homefield Map",
                subtitle = "Area in Square Miles",
                caption = "Data Source:",
                output_file = "C:/Users/lwget/Downloads/cfb_undefeated_2022_racing.gif")

Interactive Maps

homefield_shiny() showcases several functions from the homefield package in an interactive application visualizing College Football seasons. Users can choose a type of map, season, and week and the homefield map will be automatically generated.


Thank you to Matt Daniel - designer of the homefield sticker.

The homefield package was created as a part of Dr. Heike Hofmann’s STAT 585 at Iowa State University.

homefield was inspired by similar maps created by u/CaptainScuttlebottom and u/jloose128 on Reddit.